Hearing loss can affect everyone. However, we want to prevent hearing loss that could be caused in the workplace. Our employees wear hearing protection, but we also want to ensure that our visitors protect their hearing.
We have therefore invested in a hearing aid dispenser 3M One Touch Pro. The advantage of this dispenser, is that the environmental impact is reduced thanks to refill containers instead of individually packaged earplugs.
When we're talking hearing anyway. On a regular basis, Företagshälsan in Västbo conducts hearing examinations on all our staff. Thanks to these studies, some of us have received hearing aids and thus improved quality of life.
Take care of your hearing! When you greet us; test our new 3M dispenser with earplugs.
For more information, please contact:
Anna Falk
anna@falksmetall.se or +46 370-33 26 06